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Author Guidelines

The authors are required to ensure that their texts meet the criteria specified below. Articles that do not meet the editorial requirements may be rejected.

  • The articles are original, have not been published anywhere before, have not been submitted to the editorial boards of other journals, and do not infringe the rights of third parties.
  • The authors agree for their articles to be published in the Barometr Regionalny. Analizy i Prognozy quarterly in both print and online versions.
  • The texts have been formatted according to the guidelines for the authors.

General information

  • The texts should be written in English. Nevertheless, the editorial board may decide to publish them in Polish.
  • The titles of the articles should be written in the Latin alphabet. Texts written in other alphabets require transliteration or transcription. Fragments of texts written in Ukrainian or Russian should be written in the Cyrillic script and use transliteration. This principle applies to the authors’ first names and surnames as well as bibliographical data for items originally published in these languages (for example, Pasternak-Taranushenko, H.A. [Пастернак-Таранушенко, Г.А.] 2003. Ekonomichna bezpeka derzhavy. Metodolohiya zabezpechennya: monohrafiya [Економічна безпека держави. Методологія забезпечення: монографія]. Kiev [Київ]: Kyyivs’kyy ekonomichnyy instytut menedzhmentu [Київський економічний інститут менеджменту]). The transliteration should comply with the rules of BGN/PCGN romanization.
  • The articles should be accompanied by a summary in English (Abstract) and Polish (Streszczenie). The abstracts should be no longer than 500 characters, including spaces.
  • The articles should be accompanied by 5–8 keywords in English (Keywords) and Polish (Słowa kluczowe). Keywords should be separated by a comma.
  • The information about the authors should include the following: first name, surname, academic title, affiliation, e-mail address, ORCID.
  • The authors are requested to submit articles that do not exceed the limit of 40,000 characters, including spaces and a references section (20 pages of standardized text). Reports or reviews should not exceed the limit of 20,000 characters, including spaces (10 pages of standardized text). The editorial board will decide on texts exceeding the above limits.
  • The responsibility arising from publishing rights and copyrights (quoting and/or reprinting of illustrations, tables and graphs from other sources) shall be borne by the authors.
  • Failure by the authors to send corrections by the deadline implies their consent to the publication of the text in its current form.
  • The editors do not return submitted materials to the authors.
  • A copy of the submitted materials should be kept on an electronic medium until their publication in print.
  • The editors reserve the right to remove stylistic defects, to standardize the texts according to the indicated rules, and, in justified cases, to make abbreviations without consulting the author.
  • The authors do not pay any fees and costs for publication in the Barometr Regionalny. Analizy i Prognozy journal.

Administrative division of Poland

  • Translation of Polish voivodships names is not allowed. Polish word 'województwo' should be translated as 'voivodship' (not voievodship or voivodeship) following names of Polish administrative division used by Commission on Standardization of Geographical Names Outside the Republic of Poland (Komisja Standaryzacji Nazw Geograficznych poza Granicami Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej) and practice of Statistics Poland (Główny Urząd Statystyczny) — for example, Mazowieckie Voivodship — further: 'powiat' = county, 'gmina' = commune.

Editorial guidelines

  • The texts should be prepared as editable documents in the following formats: .odt, .rtf .doc, .docx (.doc and .docx are preferred); text formatting — font: Times New Roman, size: 12 points, leading (line spacing): 1.5.
  • Table formatting: do not create tables using tabs; insert tables using the Table tool (for Word 2003 tab: Table → Insert Table; for Word 2010 and later tab: Insert → Table → Insert Table).
  • Paragraph formatting: do not create paragraph indentations using tabs; instead, use the Paragraph → Special → First Line function.
  • Do not move so-called hanging letters or very short words (a, if, or) to the next line using spaces or pressing the enter key. They will be moved at the next editing stage, if necessary.
  • Neither titles nor subheadings should be written in capitals.
  • The article should be divided into numbered sections (and subsections if needed), although first and last section (Introduction and Conclusion) should not be numbered.
  • Quotations should be given in typographer’s double quotation marks: “ ”, without italics. Quotations within quotations should be given in single quotation marks: ‘ ’. An omission in a quotation should be indicated by an ellipsis ( . . . ) without brackets.
  • Longer quotations (three lines of the text or more) should be separated from the main text: such quotations should be separated from the top and bottom by a space, given in smaller font size (11 points), single spaced, and with no quotation marks used.
  • To highlight a word or a phrase within quotation, italics should be used. The highlighted words or phrases should be followed by note enclosed in brackets and placed directly after the added italics: [italics added].
  • Foreign words, if they are likely to be unfamiliar to readers, should be italicized. Commonly used Latin words and abbreviations should not be italicized — e.g., ibid., et al., ca., passim.
  • For number ranges, hyphens should be used — e.g., 1990–2000.
  • Dates and decades should be written as follows: October 2, 2002; 19th century, the 1980s, 21st-century. Dates written in abbreviated form should follow the ISO standard — i.e., year-month-day, hyphenated: 2002-10-02.
  • While referring to a source with an author for the first time, wherever possible, give the author’s full first name and surname; for further references to the same source give only the author’s surname — e.g., According to Jan Kowalski, . . . ; As stated by Kowalski, . . .
  • As a general rule, do not use abbreviations for legal acts or regulations and codes. The full name of an act should be retained in original language and also written in translated form in parentheses — e.g., Ustawa z dnia 5 sierpnia 2015 r. o nieodpłatnej pomocy prawnej oraz edukacji prawnej [the Act of 2015-08-05 on free legal assistance and legal education of the public]. DzU z 2015 r. poz. 1255.
  • All tables, figures, and diagrams should be numbered with Arabic numerals, given titles, and followed by source references (if needed).
  • Any illustrations to be included in the text (graphics, graphs, maps, photographs, etc.) should be submitted in separate graphic files and at high resolution and good image quality.
  • The authors are required to submit figures for graphs preferably in the form of a spreadsheet. Submitted data will be used by the editor only for the preparation of graphically standardized charts and figures, will not be archived, and will be deleted after use.

Source references

  • Source references should be made using the author-date system — i.e., in parentheses in the main text (so-called in-text references), with the author’s surname, followed by the year of publication, and page number(s) if needed. For reference with more than one source, the authors’ names should be given in alphabetical order and separated by semicolons. The numbers of the cited pages should be given after a comma — e.g., (Jakubowski 2018), (Laine 2016; Moraczewska 2008), (Kusideł 2013, 45-76).
  • Footnotes should only be used for explanatory or factual information. Footnote numbers should follow words or phrases explained.
  • Entries in the references section should be given in alphabetical order. The references section should contain a list of all the publications used in the article (books, collective publications, chapters in collective publications, journals, legal acts, websites and other sources that need to be referenced).
  • If necessary, the references section may be divided into sections specifying the types of the sources — e.g., Legal acts, Rulings, etc.
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