Published : 2012-09-28

The Level of Water and Sewage Infrastructure as an Important Element of Regional Development

Lidia Kłos


The level of technical infrastructure, particularly in the range of water-wastewater is an important factor in stimulating rural development in the direction of its socio-economic function. The aim of the article is to explain the level of technical infrastructure in the range of water-wastewater management in rural areas. Presented in the article is an analysis of the condition of the water-sewage infrastructure in rural areas which leads to the conclusion that despite significant growth in recent years the amount of investment in this area and its conditions, is not sufficient. If in the coming years, intensive and effective steps are not taken, then the level of water management infrastructure — in spite of its major importance for the development of rural areas — will not be significantly strengthened. This would translate into the attractiveness and consequently the competitiveness of these areas, thereby reducing the possibility of multifunctional development. 


rural sanitation, multifunctional development





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Kłos, L. (2012). The Level of Water and Sewage Infrastructure as an Important Element of Regional Development. Regional Barometer. Analyses & Prognoses, (2 (28), 115–122.

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