Published : 2012-01-03

System Changes in State Condition of Evolution of Region and Citizens

Jan Pomierny


The state requires a thorough reform. It should be developed with public participation, and needs to implement a program to repair its public finances. We must end political reign and introduce substantive personnel management; thereby disbanding the present responsibility-collective of individuals holding senior positions in the state. Continued borrowing is a serious threat to national sovereignty. Poland will exceed 800 billion zł in public debt in 2011. Public management requires competent people with the necessary education, experience and achievements in economic practice. Management algorithms enable the application of the fundamental elements of operational and strategic planning, schedules, tasks, management contracts, agreements in trade and to evaluate the effectiveness of the tasks. Another important issue is to present up to date, accurate and responsible information about the state of the economy and government finances.


state, system, democracy, public finance, region, district of Łęczna, growth, development, management, strategy





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Pomierny, J. (2012). System Changes in State Condition of Evolution of Region and Citizens. Regional Barometer. Analyses & Prognoses, (4 (26), 113–121.

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