Published : 2018-12-18

Importance of Individual Characteristics of Entrepreneurs and Perception of Factors Determining the Start-Up of a Business in the Lubelskie Voivodship

Ada Domańska

Beata Żukowska

Robert Zajkowski


Businesses are an important part of economic development in a region. Through business activity, new innovations are created which accelerate economic growth and structural change. It should also be said that entrepreneurship has a strong influence on the competitiveness of the area in which it operates and shapes the professional activity of the population. In addition, entrepreneurship absorbs development factors that are specific to the region such as natural resources, human resources, etc. Hence, it is important to build entrepreneurial attitudes that influence the establishment of enterprises. The main goal of this paper is to express the importance of creating an entrepreneurial attitude in the Lubelskie Voivodship. In the paper, we discuss how this attitude can be beneficial for creating businesses and thus for regional development. To achieve the main goal, we used data collected in April and May 2016 among small and medium enterprises operating in the Lubelskie Voivodship. After rejecting the large enterprises, incomplete responses, and those that did not respond, the research sample consisted of 186 entities. Using statistical methods, such as regression models and statistical tests we found out that features such as creativity, ambition, hard work and self-confidence are the ones that were recognized by entrepreneurs in the Lubelskie Voivodship as the most desirable. In order to improve the situation of the region by boosting the number of established enterprises, the authorities should take steps to build an entrepreneurial attitude based on these characteristics. Results indicate that self-discipline is not a desirable feature among potential entrepreneurs. It turns out that according to the opinion of entrepreneurs, the ability to control oneself is not a useful feature when you want to run your business. Likewise, risk-taking propensity is also an undesirable characteristic. It should be noted, however, that the research made for the purpose of the paper was conducted among entrepreneurs who decided to start their own company. Their answers give a better picture of the traits which a potential entrepreneur should have. So, the results of these studies are an interesting starting point for further in-depth research.


features of entrepreneur, entrepreneurship development, regional development





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Domańska, A., Żukowska, B., & Zajkowski, R. (2018). Importance of Individual Characteristics of Entrepreneurs and Perception of Factors Determining the Start-Up of a Business in the Lubelskie Voivodship. Regional Barometer. Analyses & Prognoses, 16(3), 101–108.

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