Published : 2018-02-16

The Idea of Sharing Economy in the Area of Short-Term Housing Rental

Łukasz Mach


The principal goal of the conducted studies was to identify the new type of service offered in the market of short-time housing rental, which has been launched by the supply-holders who render their private housing resources available to general public. The idea of co-sharing the private housing resources, by writing into the philosophy of sharing economy, undoubtedly influences the revaluation of principles of economy within the studied sphere. This impact results, among others, in an increase in entrepreneurship-related activity through a dynamic quantitative growth in the number of entities in the rental market as well as in provision of innovative services by subjects developing their business activity in this market. The studies which were carried out have allowed to make parametrization such features as: the price of rental, attributes of the resources designed for rental, the level of obtained reductions for renting. The studies were conducted with the use of data related to the housing rental on offer, which are available from the Airbnb databases for the 16 capital cities of Polish voivodships.


short-term housing rental, sharing economy, housing resources





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Mach, Łukasz. (2018). The Idea of Sharing Economy in the Area of Short-Term Housing Rental. Regional Barometer. Analyses & Prognoses, 15(4), 69–76.

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