Published : 2017-02-16

Analysis of the Efficiency of the Prophylactic Rehabilitation Programme of the Polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) in the Opinions of Potential Insurance Beneficiaries

Rafał Sapuła

Karolina Dymowska

Joanna Sapuła


Due to the fact that the number of the Polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS ) pension beneficiaries has increased significantly, ZUS has introduced a programme of prophylactic activities basing on rehabilitation treatment. The assumptions of the rehabilitation programme are to improve and modify the everyday functioning of patients who are threatened with loss of employability through injury or disease so that they may begin working again. The aim of this study was the assessment of the efficiency of ZUS prophylactic rehabilitation activities on the example of SANUS Specialist Hospital Ltd. in Stalowa Wola in the time between November 2014 and February 2015. The study included 148 patients (61 women — 41%, 87 men — 59%). The tool used for the analysis was an author questionnaire for patients participating in the programme. The majority of patients participating in the prophylactic rehabilitation programme suffered from spinal injuries. Over 41% claimed to be ready to begin working again after rehabilitation treatment, and 39% declared to be undecided as to whether or not they are able to begin working again whereas 20% declared themselves not to be ready to return to work. The worst rehabilitation treatment results were observed among patients who have suffered injures of upper and lower extremities. The length of the 24-day rehabilitation treatment performed as a part of the ZUS prophylactic rehabilitation programme for patients with injuries of upper and lower extremities proved insufficient. A further analysis of patients with such injuries considers prolongation of the rehabilitation treatment. There is a need for prophylactic activities directed towards patients who participate in the ZUS programme for the first time since 49% of the patients included in the questionnaire require a participation in a follow-up rehabilitation treatment.


prophylactic rehabilitation programme, the Polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), public and private health insurance

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Sapuła, R., Dymowska, K., & Sapuła, J. (2017). Analysis of the Efficiency of the Prophylactic Rehabilitation Programme of the Polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) in the Opinions of Potential Insurance Beneficiaries. Regional Barometer. Analyses & Prognoses, 14(4), 171–177.

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