Data publikacji : 2017-06-30

Oblicze starości w Polsce na początku XXI wieku

Andrzej Mielczarek


Forecasts for our population clearly indicate that ageing process of Polish community will be accelerated in the nearest decades of XXI-st century. Population ageing process should be perceived by the decision makers as the most important phenomenon in the XXI-st century, as it affects many areas of social life, such as but not limited to, economy, social security, social aid, labour market, etc. It also means an increase of the risk for occurrence of many chronic illnesses, which force the need for intensified health care, nursing, rehabilitation, stimulation to activity and spiritual support as well as growth of demand for the services from the side of social aid institutions. Old age is not a period detached from the rest of life – it is its continuation despite of fact that it is connected with many limitations, hence there are many new challenges related with that. We should assure to elderly people the right to live on the level that guarantees sense of social dignity, regardless of their age.

Słowa kluczowe:

starość, polityka społeczna, polityka senioralna, wykluczenie społeczne, profilaktyka gerontologiczna





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Zasady cytowania

Mielczarek, A. (2017). Oblicze starości w Polsce na początku XXI wieku. Fides, Ratio Et Patria. Studia Toruńskie, (6), 178–198.

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