Generally speaking, standards for advertising in the civilized countries are similar, but there are some discrepancies between them, after all, each country controls the advertising activities in accordance with laws and customs, creating the appropriate conditions for the use of legal and ethical standards. Pragmatic analysis, presented in the article, applies to advertising legislation in the Republic of Belarus. It must be stated that the Belarusian legal standards have several legal acts that apply to advertising on the territory of that country. Laws relating to advertising activities are: the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, the law on mass media, the law “on advertising”. What’s more, in Belarus there is a special institution, the activities of which are aimed at regulating
advertising. Note in addition to this you can, that Belarusian law regulated advertising was in accordance with the standards of the State and its restrictions, in some cases, appear to be more emphatic than in the countries of the European Union, while on the other hand, deny the one good social relations, for example may be regulatory advertising focus.
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