Data publikacji : 2016-06-30

Etyczny wymiar wspólnoty państwowej w duchu klasycznej myśli politycznej

Sławomir Drelich


In this article the author presents the ethical aspects of the state understood as a community. The author refers primarily to the classic concepts of political philosophy, which have their source in thinkers such as Plato and Aristotle. It turns o that these concepts of reflection on the state is always associated with a reflection on issues such as the common good, justice, perfection and virtue. Classical political philosophy in a special way interprets also the concept of the regime, that is understood much broader than the modern notion of the political system. Classical thinkers show that politics and ethics are spheres constantly interrelated.

Słowa kluczowe:

filozofia polityki, filozofia klasyczna, dobro wspólne, wspólnota, państwo, sprawiedliwość





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Zasady cytowania

Drelich, S. (2016). Etyczny wymiar wspólnoty państwowej w duchu klasycznej myśli politycznej. Fides, Ratio Et Patria. Studia Toruńskie, (4), 201–213.

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