Contrary to the metaphor of Fides et ratio included in the encyclical and meaning that faith and mind are like two wings, on which a human spirit is carried up to contemplation of the truth, there seems to be a dominant trend in the contemporary mentality, namely that of opposing the two realities, which was manifested in a famous billboard war on one of the streets of New York. You KNOW it’s a MYTH. This Season Celebrate REASON – called the American Atheists association just before Christmas. You know it’s real. This season celebrate Jesus – the Catholic League responded with its own poster.
Opposing the faith and reason, religion and science is a sign of ideology, which is blind to common human experience of the necessity to accept a series of truths as true, including those, which individuals cannot verify themselves. Believing, which, within the meaning of the classical definition, is „thinking under the pressure of will”, relates both to trivial and everyday matters as well as grand matters extending horizons of human cognition disproportionately. The reason is open to fate and it “sees” more and more and the faith is free of any overgrown credulity or superstitions.
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