Data publikacji : 2020-06-30

Relacja arcybiskupa Antoniego Baraniaka o sytuacji polskiego duszpasterstwa w Anglii z listopada 1972 r.


Archbishop Antoni Baraniak (1904–1977), metropolitan bishop of Poznań, was among the most important figures in Church hierarchy in Poland after World War II. He was outstanding in his work within the Episcopal Conference of Poland, a loyal and faithful associate of cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, courageous and uncompromising in relations with communist government. Recently many papers treating these threads of his biography were published. Still, there are fields of his pastoral activity that were not yet deeply analised, such as his relations with Polish emigrants in different parts of the world and the aid he was giving to his compatriots abroad. In years 1933–1948, when he was secretary and eventually chaplain of primate cardinal August Hlond, he kept vivid relationship with Polish emigrants in Great Britain, especially with priests. Only once he could visit a few places in British Islands in November 1972 coming for an invitation of Fr Władysław Staniszewski (1901–1989), the rector of Polish Catholic Mission in England and Wales. In source edition there
are reflections of the archbishop, written after his coming back from this visit.

Słowa kluczowe:

Abp Antoni Baraniak, ks. Władysław Staniszewski, Polska Misja Katolicka w Anglii i Walii, duszpasterstwo polonijne





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Zasady cytowania

Wąsowicz, J. (2020). Relacja arcybiskupa Antoniego Baraniaka o sytuacji polskiego duszpasterstwa w Anglii z listopada 1972 r. Fides, Ratio Et Patria. Studia Toruńskie, (12), 174–187.

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