Published : 2022-12-31

Byzantine-Ruthenian Frescoes of the Holy Trinity Chapel in Communication Projects: Brand, Image, and Design


Art is an integral part of the permanent process of communication, but, due to the passage of time and social transformations, the way it is received is changing. Art, by its very nature, cannot be pigeonholed. The issues of universalism, symbolism, and the passage of time in the context of communication boil down to the reflection that everything that is neutral and understandable today can change meaning in the process of decoding in the next generation or age. How does art communicate in relation to its dialogue with society? In this respect, communication projects, design, branding, and image creation by means of artifacts and art seem extremely interesting. The author analyzes both the theoretical and practical approaches to this issue, taking into account the more than 600-year-old frescoes of the Chapel of the Holy Trinity, the images of which are used in the communication projects of the National Museum in Lublin and the city’s strategy.


social communication, communication project, design, museology, culture





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Mieczkowska, K. (2022). Byzantine-Ruthenian Frescoes of the Holy Trinity Chapel in Communication Projects: Brand, Image, and Design. Facta Simonidis, 15(2), 115–128.

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