Published : 2023-06-30

The European Tours of the Owners of the Zamoyski Family Entail in the 17th and 18th Centuries


Grand-scale travels, which were called grand tours and covered a number of European countries, became popular in the second half of the 17th century. The English author Richard Lassels was the first to use the term “Grand Tour”. He used it in reference to the educational trips of the nobility to France, Italy, the Netherlands, and Germany. The travelers, who were mainly European nobles and aristocrats, went abroad to receive private tuition or to study at universities, and visited many cities, where they admired the local works of art and architecture. This type of travel was born in Western Europe – more specifically, in England. In Poland, it quickly became very popular among the wealthy Polish nobles and magnates. One obvious example is the European peregrinations of the young representatives of the Zamoyski family in the 17th and 18th centuries, described in this article, which is based on the available primary and secondary sources. The article discusses the educational journeys of the Zamoyski family it terms of their most important aspects and the effects they had on the future lives, activities and careers of the owners of the Zamoyski family entail.


Grand Tour, Zamoyscy, university education, foreign education, Western Europe





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Feduszka, J. (2023). The European Tours of the Owners of the Zamoyski Family Entail in the 17th and 18th Centuries. Facta Simonidis, 16(1), 121–147.

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