Published : 2023-12-31

An Image of the Familes of Individuals Sentenced for Anti-Communist Underground Activities in Selected Requests for Pardon Submitted to Bolesław Bierut


This article focuses on the lives of the families of Polish independence underground activists sentenced by the communist justice system. To illustrate this issue, requests for pardon submitted to Bolesław Bierut by convicted individuals and their family members have been analyzed. The research material, which includes a total of sixty-seven requests written between 1946 and 1953, has been narrowed down to the activists of the Special Action Emergency Service – National Military Union commanded by Tadeusz Gajda, aka Tarzan, and the Tarnów section of the Freedom and Independence Association. Using classic document analysis and the technique of internal and formal examination of documents, the author has distinguished several categories, including the families’ living conditions, state of health, upbringing of children, emotional state, and the role of family members, which proved useful in describing a semblance of family life during the imprisonment of one of its members, convicted of „hostile activities aimed at the political system of the Polish state”.


family, Polish independence underground movement, request for pardon, Bolesław Bierut, communism





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Sabat, K. (2023). An Image of the Familes of Individuals Sentenced for Anti-Communist Underground Activities in Selected Requests for Pardon Submitted to Bolesław Bierut. Facta Simonidis, 16(2), 259–275.

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