Published : 2023-12-31

The Students from Jewish Families in the Jesuit Junior High School and the College of Philosophy in Ternopil (1820–1848)


The Jesuit Junior High School (Polish: gimnazjum) and the College of Philosophy were opened in Ternopil in 1820. By the authorities’ decision, these educational institutions were administered by Jesuits who came from Galicia. The newly open junior high school as well as the college enjoyed great popularity among the local community. In accordance with the law, any inhabitant of the empire could enroll at the school and then study philosophy as long as he met certain requirements. Among the first students of these educational institutions, there were also boys from Jewish families. The total number of Jewish students did not exceed 3% of the population of these institutions. The ongoing studies concerning the presence of students of Jewish origin in Ternopil are merely a reconnaissance. Their primary aim is to identify the research problems and, at the same time, to provide a brief outline of the presence of children from Jewish families in the Jesuit Junior High School and in the College of Philosophy in Ternopil.


Jewish family, students, Galicia, Ternopil, Jesuits, Judaism





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Topij-Stempińska, B. (2023). The Students from Jewish Families in the Jesuit Junior High School and the College of Philosophy in Ternopil (1820–1848). Jewish Studies. Almanac, 13, 41–56.

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