"Studia Żydowskie. Almanach" is a scientific yearbook devoted to broadly understood Jewish issues, open to both academics and students.
In addition to materials from the city of Zamość and the region, the periodical publishes texts on the broadly understood culture and history of Jews, contemporary Polish-Jewish relations and studies on Israel and Middle Eastern issues. Due to the great cultural heritage of the city, the presence of the Zamość Old Town on the UNESCO list, the texts on the history of art are also different, with particular emphasis on Jewish art and culture.
The electronic version of the journal is its primary version.
We are pleased to announce that the journal "Studia Żydowskie. Almanach" (Jewish Studies. Almanac) has been accepted into the international scientific database Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL), which collects academic journals and books in the field of humanities and social sciences from Central, Eastern and Southern Europe and related to these parts of Europe.
Thanks to indexing in the CEEOL database, articles will be available in the most important scientific search engines.
Additionally, when evaluating each journal it indexes, the CEEOL database cooperates with Clarivate / Web of Science, which means that the Web of Science database has full access to the database and selects the journals with which it wants to cooperate.
Dear Sirs,
We are pleased to inform you that in the latest assessment of the Index Copernicus database, the journal "Studia Żydowskie. Almanach" obtained the ICV 2022 index = 74.17.
We would like to thank the Authors and Reviewers for their contribution to raising the scientific level of "Studia Żydowskie. Almanach".
Szanowni Państwo,
miło nam poinformować, że w najnowszej ocenie bazy Index Copernicus czasopismo "Studia Żydowskie. Almanach" uzyskało nowy, wyższy wskaźnik ICV 2022 = 77.07.
Dziękujemy Autorom oraz Recenzentom za wkład w podnoszenie poziomu naukowego "Studia Żydowskie. Almanach".