Published : 2017-02-16

Evaluation of Innovative Undertakings with the European Union Funds. Polish Voivodships Scope

Aleksandra Zygmunt


The main purpose of the paper is the assessment of the European Union funds engagement in innovative undertakings in Polish voivodships. Firstly, it was made the considerations about innovations as an essential component of an integrated approach in terms of regions’ competiveness improvement. Furthermore, it was examined the differentiation in the participation of the EU funds in innovative undertakings between Polish voivodships. In this respect was applied cluster analysis, on base which was isolated space groups, which allow to comparison of the European Union funds involvement between voivodships of Poland. The research were based on data from Central Statistical Office of Poland — Local Data Bank — concerning particularly the Programme Innovative Economy. The scope of examinations contains period 2011–2015. The effects of examinations affects the ability to identify voivodships similar in scope of the accepted variables. This identification may contribute to create of comparative base actions taken to improve innovations, which could lead to an increase in the competitiveness of regions.


innovative undertakings, the EU funds, competitiveness of region





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Zygmunt, A. (2017). Evaluation of Innovative Undertakings with the European Union Funds. Polish Voivodships Scope. Regional Barometer. Analyses & Prognoses, 14(4), 7–13.

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