Published : 2017-02-16

Enterprises and Smart Specialization in a Place-Based Approach in Poland. The Case of Polska Zachodnia Macro-Region

Justyna Zygmunt


Place-based approach is the new paradigm of regional development, with an emphasis on endogenous resources as the essential drivers of growth. Significant substance of territorial dimension of regional development may be related to enterprises. Hence, the main goal of the paper is to assess the value of enterprises in regional development policy in the context of territorial dimension in Poland. Nonprobability sampling has been applied to focus on Polska Zachodnia macro-region (West Poland macro-region), which includes the following voivodships (NUTS 2 ): Dolnośląskie, Lubuskie, Opolskie, Wielkopolskie, Zachodniopomorskie. Desk research of development strategies, as well as documents related to Regional Operational Programmes 2014–2020 of respective voivodships has been employed. The results show that value of enterprises in regions’ mission, vision, and main strategic objective is heterogeneous, mostly with indirect relevancy. However, the substance of enterprises for regional development is high if budgets of respective Regional Operational Programmes for activities related to enterprises are considered. By focusing on smart specialization an attempt is made in Polska Zachodnia macro-region to take advantage of regional capabilities. The findings allow to conclude of a crucial substance of enterprises in place-based approach and provide the basis for better understanding the development challenges of regions.


enterprises, smart specialization, place-based approach, regional development strategy, Regional Operational Programme, Poland





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Zygmunt, J. (2017). Enterprises and Smart Specialization in a Place-Based Approach in Poland. The Case of Polska Zachodnia Macro-Region. Regional Barometer. Analyses & Prognoses, 14(4), 23–29.

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