Published : 2017-02-16

Coordination of Energy Policy — Regional Focus on Support of Renewable Energy Sources in the Light of the Strategy for Energy Development in Lower Silesia

Alicja Graczyk


The article concerns issues related to the coordination of energy policy in the region of Lower Silesia. Its purpose is to identify and analyze the actions necessary to effectively support the development of renewable energy sources (RES) in connection with the implementation of the Strategy for energy development in Lower Silesia. In the first part the author shows the place of RES in Strategy, the second identifies the actors play a key role in the implementation of the Strategy, and then analyzes the relationship between the actions of individual actors with a focus on efficiency and effectiveness of these actions. The final part of the article is an example of integrated actions within the framework of communal support of the development of renewable energy sources.


energy policy, Lower Silesia region, renewable sources of energy, energy development strategy





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Graczyk, A. (2017). Coordination of Energy Policy — Regional Focus on Support of Renewable Energy Sources in the Light of the Strategy for Energy Development in Lower Silesia. Regional Barometer. Analyses & Prognoses, 14(4), 113–120.

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