Published : 2016-07-15

Efforts by Hotel Owners Aimed at Maintaining Ecological Balance in Lubelskie Voivodship

Anna Mazurek-Kusiak

Andrzej Soroka


The aim of the study was to identify the activities of the tourism sector which in the opinion of residents protect the natural environment of Lubelskie Voivodship. Efforts were also made to determine which activities have the greatest impact on the selection of accommodation by respondents and whether hotels fulfill the concept of sustainable social development. The size of the selected sample was 1157 respondents. The method of diagnostic survey was applied, and a direct survey was the technique, both conducted on the basis of an original questionnaire. Statistical calculations were performed using discriminant analysis and the level of education was the criterion for grouping. It has been shown that the following factors were the most important when choosing accommodation: cost-effective energy policy, including good insulation of the hotel building where respondents would stay, and a proper water management policy by the hotel company. Environmental protection was mentioned with activities that have the greatest impact on the natural environment. It has been found that it is necessary to use experiences of other countries in pursuing appropriate policies for sustainable development of a society, to monitor these policies, and to use devices which would limit the destruction of valuable and expensive resources. Both residents and organizations acting over a given area should be involved in the protection of natural resources.


hotel industry, eco-friendly hotel, sustainable development





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Mazurek-Kusiak, A., & Soroka, A. (2016). Efforts by Hotel Owners Aimed at Maintaining Ecological Balance in Lubelskie Voivodship. Regional Barometer. Analyses & Prognoses, 14(2), 157–164.

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