Data publikacji : 2017-12-30

Rozwój luteranizmu we Wrocławiu w pierwszej połowie XVI stulecia

Józef Mandziuk


Martin Luther’s study arrived in Wrocław shortly after his appearance in 1517, and the capital of Silesia and the Diocese of Wrocław became the center of Lutheranism. The main promoters of the “new faith” were clergymen: Jan Hess - parish priest. Mary
Magdalene and Ambrose Moiban, parish priest Elizabeth. Modernism has entered into numerous religious congregations, especially minors and Augustans. A great Lutheran ally was the city council. The Wrocław debate organized in 1524 contributed to the
development of the first part of Protestantism. Over the years, Lutheran liturgical ceremonies have evolved, having at first many common features with Catholicism. The Lutherans in Wrocław attached great importance to the education and development
of charitable activities. Lutheranism in Wrocław had an advantage over Catholicism until the end of World War II in 1945.

Słowa kluczowe:

Wrocław, reformacja, Marcin Luter, Jan Hess





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Zasady cytowania

Mandziuk, J. (2017). Rozwój luteranizmu we Wrocławiu w pierwszej połowie XVI stulecia. Fides, Ratio Et Patria. Studia Toruńskie, (7), 158–174.

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