Data publikacji : 2020-12-30

Potyczki z imperium. Działalność Komitetu Narodowego Polskiego na terenie Wielkiej Brytanii (1917-1919)


Aim of the article is to present a general overview of the activity of the Polish National Committee (Komitet Narodowy Polski – KPN) in Great Britain in the final years of the First World War and in the first months of existence of the reborn Polish state (October 1917–January 1919). The introduction contains a brief preview of the structure of the Committee, as well as a general analyze of the activity of the Polish politicians in Great Britain in the years 1914-1917 (especially Roman Dmowski and August Zaleski). The main part of the text focuses on the presentation of the Mission of the Polish National Committee in London, including a special role of the main delegate, Władysław Sobański. The article discusses his political contacts with the British government, primarily with the Foreign Office. Synthetically presented are also the activities of the Committee in the field of taking care of Polish civilians and prisoners of war in Great Britain, as well as actions undertaken in the fields of economics and press. The analysis leads to a summarizing reflection on the Polish-British relations in that time.

Słowa kluczowe:

Roman Dmowski, Władysław Sobański, pierwsza wojna światowa, Komitet Narodowy Polski, stosunki polsko-brytyjskie





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Zasady cytowania

Drozdowski, M. (2020). Potyczki z imperium. Działalność Komitetu Narodowego Polskiego na terenie Wielkiej Brytanii (1917-1919). Fides, Ratio Et Patria. Studia Toruńskie, (13), 9–34.

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