Data publikacji : 2020-06-30

Godność pracy kobiety w nauczaniu kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w kontekście ideologii (neo)marksistowskiej


The pastoral service of Fr. card. Stefan Wyszyński was situated in the time and cultural realities typical of Marxism. However, the critique of Marxist ideology, made by the Primate of the Millennium, along with the proposal of the Catholic vision of the dignity of work for women, also deserve attention in the present social and cultural realities. The moral and social teaching of Primate Stefan Wyszyński inevitably had to take into account the context of Marxist ideology. Despite the nominal use or abuse of the word „dialogue” at that time, the Primate’s message was a clear confrontation with the ideologically imposed views.

Słowa kluczowe:

Kościół katolicki, Prymas Polski, kardynał Stefan Wyszyński, praca kobiet, rodzina w nauczaniu prymasa Wyszyńskiego





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Zasady cytowania

Bortkiewicz, P. (2020). Godność pracy kobiety w nauczaniu kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w kontekście ideologii (neo)marksistowskiej. Fides, Ratio Et Patria. Studia Toruńskie, (12), 113–129.

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