The article „Underground and independent activity of the Nicolaus Copernicus Municipal Library in Toruń” broaches the subject of functioning NSZZ “Solidarność” [Independent Self-Governing Trade Union Solidarity] in Toruń library in the period from 1980 to 1989. In its first part, historical conditioning and circumstances of the establishment of the library were portrayed, and next factors which determined the formation and registration of the “Solidarity” were specified. Then, the activity conducted during its legal functioning, including the propaganda activity, in particular, and its influence on the society were discussed, especially against a background of the events associated with the Bydgoszcz crisis and the battery of Jan Rulewski. Later, the action undertaken after the introduction of martial law was described, emphasizing the issue of the publishing activity of second circulation and cooperation with the structures of the underground “Solidarity”. In this context, individual attempts aiming at the storage and distribution of underground publications were indicated. The repressions against those employees of the library who were members of “Solidarity” during the martial law period, especially two cases of internments and dismissals from work were also mentioned. A revival of the “Solidarity” in 1989 was also briefly discussed as well as its activity in the context of the new political situation. The second part of the article was dedicated to the fate of the chosen members of “Solidarity’’ who suffered negative consequences due to their commitment to its activity.
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