##plugins.themes.libcom.datePublished## : 2017-06-30

Obraz Polska v lidoveckém a katolickém tisku poválečné třetí republiky

Michal Pehr

##plugins.pubIds.doi.readerDisplayName##: https://doi.org/10.56583/frp.1849


The subject of the study is how the Czech Catholic press and the newspapers of the Catholic political party (the Czechoslovak People’s Party) published in the Czech lands presented Poland during the postwar period. In many ways, this image clearly contradicted itself: on the one hand, the aforementioned media emphasized the need for Slavic unity and described the Poles as “our Slavic Catholic brothers.” On the other hand, however, Poland was depicted in a distinctly negative light, in particular when it came to unresolved territorial conflicts. This image was especially common in 1945–1946. For instance, the situation of Czechs living in the Kladsko area (and also of Slovaks in the Spiš region) was the subject of frequent news reports critical of the Poles. A certain improvement only came about later, helped in part by the signing of a mutual friendship agreement in 1947. These improved relations could be further demonstrated at the celebrations marking the 950th anniversary of the death of St.




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