Published : 2015-12-30

Chrześcijański Uniwersytet Robotniczy w Toruniu

Judyta Bielanowska


Christian Worker University in Toruń the name of priest cardinal Stefan Wyszyńki was founded of initiative priest prelate Stanisława Kardasz in 1985. This idea was to integrate people connected with “Solidarity”, operating in the region. While the fundamental idea of Christian Worker University were lectures, which were organized twice a month, divided into thematic sections, including, the problems of philosophy, theology and social teaching of the Church, led by the most eminent personalities. Moreover, in the framework of the meetings they were discussed the current political situation, screened films by not allowing the censorship, collected underground press, and also conducted a fundraiser for the needy. The permanent element of the meetings of the Christian Worker University was also participated in Mass. Belonging to the Christian Worker Univeristy therefore associated not only with the formation of a certain political consciousness, but also conducive to making lasting friendships and nurturing of basic Christian values in their personal lives. Christian Worker University in Toruń existed until 1988, and so by the time the political transformation that was soon to follow. In the same year most involved participants were given diplomas.


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Bielanowska, J. (2015). Chrześcijański Uniwersytet Robotniczy w Toruniu. Fides, Ratio Et Patria. Studia Toruńskie, (3), 287–297.

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