##plugins.themes.libcom.datePublished## : 2016-06-30

Udział polskiego duchowieństwa katolickiego na Pomorzu w procesie narodowotwórczym XIX–XXI w.

Ryszard Michalski


After the fall of the First Polish Republic, Pomerania joined the territory of Prussia. National institutions integrating the Polish society disappeared. The Catholic Church and Catholic faith became the only connecting link between all social layers and classes. Therefore, the Catholic faith played a very important role in Pomerania in the Polish nation formation process. The creator of this state was Polish Catholic clergy which actively participated in all patriotic activities. In the period of 1918-1920, the clergy played an important role in the formation of the Polish statehood on this territory. During the interwar period, priests continued their activity in all areas of life in Pomerania. After 1939 they were affected by the repressive action of Nazi Germany. At that time, 34 clergymen were killed in Chełmno diocese. In the period of 1945-1989, in the Polish People’s Republic, people of Pomerania faced communist totalitarianism. The Church and Catholic clergy, then, were defending national existence. After 1989 Pomerania land encountered demoliberalism rejecting national imponderabilia and Christian values.

The Catholic Church became a barrier from totalitarian and liberal indoctrination.




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