Published : 2010-01-21

The Methodology of the Economic Sentiment Surveys of the Lubelskie Region in Comparison with the European Commission Surveys

Mieczysław Kowerski


The paper attempts to compare the methodology applied in the economic sentiment surveys of the Lubelskie region (carried out since 2001) with the methodology of the joint harmonized EU program of business and consumer surveys, proposed to the EU members by the Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs. The carried out analysis showed that in spite of some differences in details and conformity, just in an outline with the methodology proposed by the EU, the methodology applied in the economic sentiment surveys of the Lubelskie region gives similar results. The comparison of graphs calculated for the EU and Poland by using the European Commission’s methodology of economic sentiment indicators with the values of diagnostic economic sentiment indicator for the Lubelskie region, shows the large synchronization of changes, especially in the indicator for Poland and the Lubelskie region. The confidence indicators and the economic sentiment indicator calculated for the Lubelskie region are highly correlated with the corresponding indicators for Poland calculated by using the European Commission’s methodology. At the same time, the economic sentiment indicator for the Lubelskie region shows the highest correlation with the indicator for Poland one month lagged. It means that the entrepreneurs and consumers in the region, react to economic changes a month later than it is averagely done in Poland.


the Joint Harmonized EU Programme of Business and Consumer Surveys, Economic Sentiment Indicator, confidence indicators, Lubelskie region

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Kowerski, M. (2010). The Methodology of the Economic Sentiment Surveys of the Lubelskie Region in Comparison with the European Commission Surveys. Regional Barometer. Analyses & Prognoses, (3 (17), 15–28.

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