Published : 2009-08-24

New Way of Formulation of the Lublin Region Development Strategy towards Challenges of the EU Cohesion Policy after 2013

Bogdan Kawałko


The article is taking current issues connected with the future parameters of the cohesion policy of the European Union after 2013. Material drawn up, from a perspective of experience of the Lublin region is becoming part of the course of European and national discussion in this respect which largely is leaning on Fabrizio Barca Raport „An agenda for a reformed Cohesion Policy. A place-based approach to meeting European Union challenges and expectations” from the April 2009. In this context, in material problems of strategic programming, analysis and balance adding the developmental item of the Lubelskie Voivodship up were presented relating to the country and relating to chosen European data. An essential part of the article is a presentation of methodological bases and the latest model of conditioning taking construction of the development strategy of the region into account of the forthcoming financial perspective the EU as well as a context of occurring processes and developmental challenges of the Lublin region.


regional development strategy, Lublin region (Poland), cohesion policy

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Kawałko, B. (2009). New Way of Formulation of the Lublin Region Development Strategy towards Challenges of the EU Cohesion Policy after 2013. Regional Barometer. Analyses & Prognoses, (2 (16), 29–54.

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