Published : 2017-02-16

Changes of Voivodships Competitiveness in Poland from the Perspective of the Labor Market

Mariusz Zieliński


One of the factors determining the regions competitiveness is a competitiveness of the labor market. The primary measure of the competitiveness of the labor market is the ratio between labor costs and productivity. Article attempts to answer two research questions: How changing the competitiveness of the regional labor markets from the perspective of the accepted in this article criteria? Is the persistence of interregional disparities in Poland is justified in the competitiveness of regional labor markets? Statistical data from the Statistical Yearbooks of Regions show that differences in the situation of voivodships labor market (economically active population , the level of wages and productivity) relative decrease. However significant reduction of wage differentials in the short term is not possible, because it keeps a competitive advantage in the labor market more developed regions.


regional labor market, economically active population, wages, gross value added





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Zieliński, M. (2017). Changes of Voivodships Competitiveness in Poland from the Perspective of the Labor Market. Regional Barometer. Analyses & Prognoses, 14(4), 81–87.

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