Published : 2015-12-17

The Use of Labor Resources and the Liquidity of the Labor Market on a Regional Basis in the Period 2008–2013, with Elements of Forecast for 2020

Mariusz Zieliński


Possibilities of development of individual regions depend on the available resources, including labor resources. Article concerns the comparison of the situation on the regional labor markets in Poland in the years 2008 and 2013, among others, in terms of their liquidity. Article attempts to answer two research questions: What is the situation on regional labor markets in the period of economic slowdown (2013) compared to the period of the boom (2008)? As far as the situation in the individual regional labor markets will change under the influence of demographic change for 2020? Statistical data from the Statistical Yearbooks of Regions show that in 2013, with low economic growth performed an employer's market, characterized by low liquidity. Due to the demographic situation will change by 2020, when labor resources can become a barrier to growth in most regions in Poland.


regional labor market, liquidity of labor market, demographic change, employment





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Zieliński, M. (2015). The Use of Labor Resources and the Liquidity of the Labor Market on a Regional Basis in the Period 2008–2013, with Elements of Forecast for 2020. Regional Barometer. Analyses & Prognoses, 13(4), 67–73.

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