Data publikacji : 2018-12-30

Allan Pinkerton i jego Agencja po zakończeniu wojny domowej w Stanach Zjednoczonych

Krystian Chołaszczyński


Allan Pinkerton created the first detective agency in the United States. Work style and a powerful database have become the foundations of later organizations such as: the Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI and the Secret Service. However, in the era of
today’s mass culture, Pinkerton’s agents appear as black characters, while some criminals – like Jesse James – have been called Wild West conquerors and heroes. Pinkerton can dream about such positive fame as Sherlock Holmes, who, as a fictional character,
arouses positive emotions in modern people. This article was intended to present the image of the United States after the Civil War.

Słowa kluczowe:

Allan Pinkerton, Agencja Detektywistyczna Pinkertona, Stany Zjednoczone, XIX wiek, „Dziki Zachód”





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Zasady cytowania

Chołaszczyński, K. (2018). Allan Pinkerton i jego Agencja po zakończeniu wojny domowej w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Fides, Ratio Et Patria. Studia Toruńskie, (9), 109–134.

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