Data publikacji : 2015-06-30

„Powiedział, że w czasie stanu wojennego nie użyje broni, nawet gdyby mieli go rozstrzelać”. Sprawa podchorążego Andrzeja Wrony

Wojciech Polak


At the moment of imposition of martial law Andrzej Wrona, a fresh university graduate, was performing military service as a cadet in a military unit in Kołobrzeg. On the night of 14/15 December 1981 along with eleven soldiers he was heading in an armoured vehicle for Gdańsk. On the way, Andrzej Wrona got in conversation with accompanying soldiers trying to convince them not to use weapons against workers; he stated that he himself had not taken a rifle from the storage. On 15 December Andrzej Wrona was arrested and sentenced by the Navy Court in Gdynia to three years’ imprisonment. Having served his time in Koronowo and, later on, in Potulice, on 12 April 1983 he was released from prison. Then, as he was unable to find employment, Wrona emigrated to Canada. Only on 5 November 1991 the hearing was held before the Supreme Court and Andrzej Wrona was finally acquitted. Patriotism was a driving force for all his actions. The cadet believed that there were moments when our homeland required self-sacrifice, though the price he had to pay for his honourable and patriotic conduct was extremely high.

Słowa kluczowe:

Andrzej Wrona, „Solidarność”, 12/13 grudnia 1981

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Polak, W. (2015). „Powiedział, że w czasie stanu wojennego nie użyje broni, nawet gdyby mieli go rozstrzelać”. Sprawa podchorążego Andrzeja Wrony. Fides, Ratio Et Patria. Studia Toruńskie, (2), 219–244.

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