Published : 2015-06-30

Axiological foundations and limits of the duty to communicate the truth

Tomasz Dutkiewicz


The moral life of a man is full of dilemmas, which can be solved with the use of instrumentation developed on the basis of ethical reflection. It occurs that individual goods appreciated by a man, which - as such - demand fair protection, come into conflict with each other. It occurs in a situation of so-called. verbal aggression, in which a person persistently seeking the answer to their question, demands the truth to be revealed, although, due to the secret, or any other legitimate reasons the person questioned is subjected to, should not be disclosed. The aim of the conducted discussion is to identify boundaries governing the obligation to communicate the truth, and to present proposals for the solutions to this dilemma, on the basis of ethic of natural law.


Catholic Church, philosophy, truth, moral theology, ethics, axiological conflict





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Dutkiewicz, T. (2015). Axiological foundations and limits of the duty to communicate the truth. Fides, Ratio Et Patria. Studia Toruńskie, (2), 19–31.

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