Published : 2021-06-30

Ethos of work of a scientist’s work in the light of the teaching of Saint John Paul II from the perspective of a financier


The article adopts the thesis that, in the light of the teaching of Saint John Paul II, the ethos of a scientist’s work is a vocation to proclaim the truth.The main purpose of the article is to indicate the fundamental currents of messages to the people of the university world, determining the ethos of scientists’ work, which are the service to the truth, service to the nation realized by the culture of which science is an integral part and trust in the ultimate Authority, which is God.
The intermediate goals of the study are an attempt to answer the following research questions:
• What is the ethics of science and the pedagogical and community function of the university in the opinion of John Paul II?
• What is the essence of personalistic pedagogy according to the Pope and the educational role of a scientist?
• What is the mission of the university and the tasks of a scientist according to John Paul II?
• How should the search for truth and the ministerial role of the scientist-financier during a pandemic be understood?


financier, the ethos, the ethics, a scientist’s work, the teaching of Saint John Paul II





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Czajkowska, A. (2021). Ethos of work of a scientist’s work in the light of the teaching of Saint John Paul II from the perspective of a financier. Fides, Ratio Et Patria. Studia Toruńskie, (14), 152–175.

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