Published : 2021-06-30

Cenacle as a school for Christian unity


The Cenacle is a place of manifestation of the Holy Spirit and a point of reference for all the Lord’s disciples. Regardless of the times in which they live, the event of Pentecost makes clear the power of God’s action and the unity of the Church. It is also the key to eliminating divisions between Churches, so that the joyful news about Jesus proclaimed by the Lord’s disciples may find its completion in the common celebration of the Eucharist. The conversion of the hearts of all Christians, common prayer, mutual search for truth in ecumenical dialogues, common evangelization, and witness of life in the face of a pagan world are essential to this task. These conditions open the way for the Holy Spirit, the Director of unity, who wants to fulfill the request of Jesus made in the Upper Room “that they may be one”. We see help in this in the person of Mary, Mother of the Church, constantly present in the Church and discreetly watching over her.


Cenacle, Spirit, Church, unity, ecumenism, prayer, conversion, evangelism, witness, truth, Mary





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Warchoł, P. (2021). Cenacle as a school for Christian unity. Fides, Ratio Et Patria. Studia Toruńskie, (14), 194–209.

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