##plugins.themes.libcom.datePublished## : 2019-12-30

Przyjęty ślub ufności. Przyczynek do biografii naukowej i duchowej doc. dr Ludmiły Roszko

Michał Damazyn

##plugins.pubIds.doi.readerDisplayName##: https://doi.org/10.56583/frp.1448


Ludmiła Roszko (1913-2000) was a researcher at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń for almost 40 years.She was also a student of the priest Michał Sopoćko (Vilnius’s confessor of Sister Faustina Kowalska), belonging to the “Vilnius Six” – the first community of the Order of Divine Mercy, organized according to the indications of Sister Faustina.Today she is recognized as a co-founder of the Institute of Divine Mercy, founded on the diocesan law of the consecrated secular community.The key moment in her life was analyzed: the trial and conviction for “leading a church organization that is secret to the state”. The consequence was the end of a scientific career; the reason – as she testified – vows confidence. The text is a contribution to a broader biography of the precursor of this form of life in the Church in Poland, but also presents, more precisely, an example of determiningthe validity’s hierarchy of spiritual (including concealment of one’s own consecration) and professional (including the areas of apostleship) matters.




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