##plugins.themes.libcom.datePublished## : 2016-12-30

Bezpieczeństwo społeczne Polaków na początku XXI wieku

Andrzej Mielczarek

##plugins.pubIds.doi.readerDisplayName##: https://doi.org/10.56583/frp.1865


Social security is recognised as one of the most important challenges of the XXI-th century. Social security includes social protection for the ones in need and community security for social groups. It is the safeguarding tool for combat with social threats in sense of intensification of negative phenomena and events, in effect of which existential values as well as interests of the nation and state are being disrupted; often there are negative consequences of political system change processes. Social security guarantees the protection of individuals in case of reduction of salaries, sickness, maternity, unemployment, disability, old age and death, it provides health care and assures protection to the families with children. The State as the highest form of social organization is primarily responsible for social security. This is the State, by creating the conditions for work and education, health protection and retirement guarantees, that should protect the public against the threats, assure the possibility to meet individual needs and realization of life aspirations of its citizens. The main threats of the Poles in the XXI-th century are as follows: functioning of Polish families, poverty and social exclusion, old age, globalization processes and membership in European Union.




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