##plugins.themes.libcom.datePublished## : 2016-12-30

Między teorią a praktyką. Elitaryzm Obozu Wielkiej Polski w poglądach jego twórcy, Romana Dmowskiego, w latach 1926–1933

Michał Andrzejczak

##plugins.pubIds.doi.readerDisplayName##: https://doi.org/10.56583/frp.1879


The question of elite – a group holding the power within the state – was the main problem of analisys – from ancient times to the contemporary ones – for many thinkers, politicians and people of culture. This question was very important for the leader of National Democracy, Roman Dmowski. In his statements in the national-democratic press and journalism in a broad sense, Dmowski informed about his attitude towards elite. The Mussolini Coup d’Etat in 1922 proved, in Dmowski opinion, that it was possibile to come into power with national-democratic slogans. On his way to political dreams Dmowski wanted to use the new organisation, which was founded by him, the Camp of Great Poland.

The Camp of Great Poland – in Dmowski’a conception – should have consolidated people with right-of-centre views, codified value system – according to national-democratic point of view – and very bright.

The mentioned above guidelines indicated, that Dmowski’s project – in theory – beard the hallmarks of elitism.

This article makes an attempt at adjudication how Dmowski’s speculations on Camp’s elitism finds its expression in thereof functioning.




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