##plugins.themes.libcom.datePublished## : 2016-06-30

Zmagania o wartości dla społeczności ludzkiej

Andrzej F. Dziuba

##plugins.pubIds.doi.readerDisplayName##: https://doi.org/10.56583/frp.1917


Our present time, with its many developments and dynamic changes, carries with it many social challenges. The questions concerning the poor, social politics, and the care for the common good are always valid. Each issue calls for proper attention. Caritas discerns the various individual and social needs, taking into account such issues as justice and solidarity. As the world changes and develops, questions arise about culture, dialog and participation. Looking at the whole picture, one needs to ask about the social state and what can stimulate solidarity (unity).

In considering the present social state, one also reflects, evaluates and summarizes what has come before, while at the same time, remaining forward-looking. We also must ask ourselves what are the foundations on which a future society can become more peaceful and just, and most of all become more unified. These questions should translate into action. Christianity – with courage and determination – offers a powerful contribution to the work of building a better society.




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