##plugins.themes.libcom.datePublished## : 2015-12-30

Główne założenia myśli politycznej organizacji „Ojczyzna” (1939–1945)

Szymon Gajewski

##plugins.pubIds.doi.readerDisplayName##: https://doi.org/10.56583/frp.1989


The “Ojczyzna” organisation came into life in the end of the September 1939 in Poznań. It gathered the people from academia of Poznań who shared the National-Democrat beliefs. It should be marked, that the members of “Ojczyzna” never belonged to the National Party though. The structures of the organisation were quickly destroyed. Hence, Warsaw became the main area of its operations, although the western orientation was still its distinctive feature. This tendency was observable in the two main fields of the activity of “Ojczyzna”. The first one is the commitment to the concerns of the people inhabiting the territories of the Second Polish Republic that were incorporated into the Nazi Germany. The members of “Ojczyzna” discerned the difference in the living conditions of Poles who stayed in Silesia, Pomerania and Wielkopolska Region compared to the conditions in the General Government. However main activity, in which they were involved, was relocating the western borders to the Oder and the Lusatian Neisse rivers. They devoted the majority of their intellectual work to substantiate this postulate. The view on the borders was included in the Polish-German relations broad analysis, creating together a unique political vision. The members of “Ojczyzna” adopted an explicit state-oriented attitude, expressed in their strong involvement in structures of the Polish Underground State.




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