##plugins.themes.libcom.datePublished## : 2018-06-30

Mesjanizm w zapiskach mistyczki miłosierdzia Heleny Majewskiej CSA

Michał Damazyn


Saint Faustyna Kowalska was not the only apostle of God’s mercy in the first half of the twentieth century. To this group belongs nun Helena Majewska CSA, who was to finish the work of Faustina. In her spiritual notes there are many references to the history, the present and the future of Poland. The country’s fate is the reflection of the passion of Jesus and his resurrection, that is its rebirth after the times of enslavement and suffering. It should, as shown by the written visions, lead the procession of nations which will pass throughout Europe and the world in order to celebrate the God’s mercy.




Wydawnictwo Akademii Zamojskiej
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fax: +48 84/ 638 35 00
Akademia Zamojska
ul. Pereca 2, 22-400 Zamość
tel. 84 638 34 44
fax 84 638 35 00
e-mail: rektorat@akademiazamojska.edu.pl
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