Published : 2018-12-31

National Security Council as the constitutional advisory body of the President of the Republic of Poland

Diana Bednarz


In accordance with the provisions of the contemporary Constitution of the Republic of Poland, the President watches over the observance of the Constitution, protects the sovereignty and security of the state, the inviolability and indivisibility of its territory. Within these competences the Constitution provided the President with an advisory body for security assurance which is the National Security Council. This article concerns the role of the above mentioned authority under the national law, its organization, mode of operation and powers. The tasks of the Head of the National Security Office as Secretary of the Council and the composition and priority objectives of the Council meetings during the respective Presidencies were presented.


Poland, the National Security Council, national security, Armed forces of the Republic of Poland





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Bednarz, D. (2018). National Security Council as the constitutional advisory body of the President of the Republic of Poland. Facta Simonidis, 11(1), 65–84.

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