Published : 2018-12-31

Physical activity as an element of consumer society’s health policy

Władysław Pańczyk


Deriving from the U.S. economic reasons, trends in consumption in the face of postmodern globalization, generate a series of mass-unhealthy behaviors of human beings, also in Poland. Consumption is nowadays not only economics, but also meeting the wider spiritual needs, including cultural ones. Consumption is a common lifestyle, ideology and even religion, that is why one can notice unhealthy behaviors, such as permanent physical inactivity, isolation from nature, constrained sitting postures, excessive information stimulus, etc., that are becoming a social norm which badly affects health, and – because of its mass impact – is a civilizational threat. One can see the antidote to these negative influences on health in Europe and the world in the conscious physical exercise of modern men. Various forms of Leisure-tourism are to be an ideal compensation of civilizational threats. In Poland prevails low awareness of the health benefits that come from physical activity, as well as not very modern facilities and offers.


consumption, health policy, physical activity, tourism





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Pańczyk, W. (2018). Physical activity as an element of consumer society’s health policy. Facta Simonidis, 11(1), 313–337.

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