Published : 2022-12-31

Lviv’s Religious Museums in the Late 19th and Earl y 20th Centuries against the Background of City and Private Museums


The history of Lviv museology is so rich that the activities of its museums can be considered in many aspects. This is probably a result of the specific political, religious and, consequently, cultural situation of this city. Lviv was inhabited by representatives of various religions, whose followers organized their own museums. Thus, the following institutions operated in Lviv: the Roman Catholic Archdiocesan Museum, the Museum of the Stauropegic Institute, the Ukrainian National Museum, the Jewish Museum, and the Armenian Museum. The large part of the collection consisted of objects withdrawn from worship, and it was expanded over time by donations and occasional purchases. Another important group in Lviv are private museums and collections. Many of the city’s residents, not necessarily the wealthiest ones, developed their own passions by amassing collections of works of art or books, while those interested in the natural world collected biological and geological specimens. Those collections were usually private and available only to individuals. However, there were also a few museums, created on the initiative of private collectors, such as the Dzieduszycki family, which were donated to the city and were available to the general public, becoming a place for extensive scientific research.


Roman Catholic Archdiocesan Museum, Museum of the Stauropegic Institute, Ukrainian National Museum, Jewish Museum, Armenian Museum, Dzieduszycki family, Miączyński-Dzieduszycki Gallery, Natural History Museum in Lviv





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Skrzydlewska, B. (2022). Lviv’s Religious Museums in the Late 19th and Earl y 20th Centuries against the Background of City and Private Museums. Facta Simonidis, 15(2), 51–65.

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