Published : 2015-12-31

The Social Orientation of Party Programmes as a Trait of Political Opportunism(the Example of Parliamentary Elections in Ukraine)

Marharyta Chabanna


The article analyzes the traits of opportunistic behaviour of Ukrainian political parties in the process of creating election programs. Taking into account economic factors and some features of political consciousness of the Ukrainian society, the author shows how political parties use promises of increasing social payments. The hidden effect of the programs’ realization depends on the “asymmetry” in the information about the differences between short-term benefits and long-term costs. The implementation of declared populist programs (aimed at voters’ welfare improvement in the short term) causes the negative effects on economic development and reduces the welfare of population in the long run. But at the same time, the paper shows that the failure of political parties’ campaign promises causes a decrease in public trust to the relevant political institutions which is a consequence of pre-election opportunism.


political party, political opportunism, social expenses, political trust, political elections, ex ante and ex post opportunism





Citation rules

Chabanna, M. (2015). The Social Orientation of Party Programmes as a Trait of Political Opportunism(the Example of Parliamentary Elections in Ukraine). Facta Simonidis, 8(1), 63–87.

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