Published : 2015-12-31

Latin American and CIS Countries` Cooperation in Trade and Economy at the Beginning of the XXI Century

Ihor Plevako


The main goal of the research is the analysis of trade and economic relations between CIS and Latin American countries. The author studied trade activities of Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus in the markets of Latin American countries, concluding that in the first decade of the 21st century there was an obvious tendency of increase in trade between Latin American and aforementioned CIS countries. The development of economic cooperation of the USSR with Latin America was unstable and insignificant in scale. The collapse of the Soviet Union and aggravation of economic situation on its territories weakened the established trade ties between the post-soviet countries and LA even further. However, due to transformation processes in the economic and political spheres, new opportunities of deeper cooperation emerged. Thus, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia intensified their trade and economic contacts with Latin American countries relatively late – only at the beginning of the 21st century, making economic cooperation with them an important dimension of their foreign policy.


foreign policy, international trade and economic relations, CIS countries: (Ukraine, Belarus, Russian Federation), Latin American countries, economic partnership





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Plevako, I. (2015). Latin American and CIS Countries` Cooperation in Trade and Economy at the Beginning of the XXI Century. Facta Simonidis, 8(1), 173–186.

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