Published : 2023-06-30

“God Created the Countryside, and Man Created the City”: Adam Marczyński’s “Returns to Nature”

Elżbieta Błotnicka-Mazur


The significance of foreign travel for the development of artists is undeniable. In this article, the author emphasises the value of short trips, which reflect artists’ need to escape from the city to the countryside to seek inspiration in nature. One direct consequence of such trips was the creation of numerous artistic colonies, especially in the first half of the 20th century. The eponymous “returns to nature” are exemplified by the case of Adam Marczyński (1908-1985) from the Kraków Group. The Polish painter is primarily known for his abstract, semi-sculptural paintings filled with wooden panels with movable flaps. Alongside his exploration of non-figurative art, he created numerous sketches from nature, as well as beautifully coloured portraits and landscapes. Marczyński never abandoned this kind of artistic expression, giving vent to his passion for observing nature, which set the rhythm of his life and art – natural and slow, away from the hubbub of city life.


Adam Marczyński, art colony, Polish art of the 1940s and 1950s, countryside, city





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Błotnicka-Mazur, E. (2023). “God Created the Countryside, and Man Created the City”: Adam Marczyński’s “Returns to Nature”. Facta Simonidis, 16(1), 253–264.

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