Published : 2023-06-30

„I endeavor that […] your matters are well taken care of”. Coadjutorship of the Warmia Bishopric for Marcin Kromer in the Light of the Letters and Efforts by Jerzy from Tyczyn


In 1569, when Stanislaus Hosius, the Prince-Bishop of the Warmia Bishopric permanently departed for Rome, he left Marcin Kromer as the administrator of his diocese. However, he did not reach an agreement on this matter with Warmia’s diocesan chapter, which considered it the so-called articuli iurati (artykuły zaprzysiężone), thus initiating a long battle for the approval of the coadjutorship. A friend of Kromer from their student years, Jerzy from Tyczyn, a royal secretary and a Polish diplomat, who in the Roman Curia worked on behalf of the Kingdom of Poland and the Polish Church, effectively advocated for Kromer’s cause. Furthermore, the correspondence of Ticinius, an attentive observer and influential figure, shed new light on the entire matter. Finally, in early August 1571, at the Bernardine Monastery in Warsaw, delegates from Warmia’s diocesan chapter, declared to the apostolic nuncio that they accepted Kromer as the Coadjutor Bishop of Warmia upon the Pope’s approval.


coadjutorship, Warmia Bishopric, Marcin Kromer, Jerzy from Tyczyn, Stanislaus Hosius, 16th century

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Polańska, E. (2023). „I endeavor that […] your matters are well taken care of”. Coadjutorship of the Warmia Bishopric for Marcin Kromer in the Light of the Letters and Efforts by Jerzy from Tyczyn. Facta Simonidis, 16(1), 27–53.

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