Published : 2023-12-31

The Model of Out-Of-Court Redress for Patients in the Light of Amendments to the Law on Patients’ Rights and the Patient Ombudsman


This paper discusses fundamental changes in Poland in the field of compensation of damages for medical events, involving the transformation of the previous model based on the operation of voivodeship commissions in support of the Medical Event Compensation Fund, managed by the Patient Ombudsman. It should be emphasized that these changes are aimed at increasing the transparency and efficiency of the medical event compensation system and bringing it in line with current medical knowledge. In addition, they result in major modifications to the entire compensation process, as they introduce a system that is centralized and supervised by the Patient Ombudsman. This system aims at minimizing the formality of out-of-court procedures and is designed to ensure that the injured party is adequately compensated for the damage suffered. It is also worth noting that the new regulations reflect similar procedural models operating abroad.


medical damage compensation, Medical Events Compensation Fund, Patient Ombudsman, medical events, medical compensation, protection of patients’ rights





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Pankiewicz, R. (2023). The Model of Out-Of-Court Redress for Patients in the Light of Amendments to the Law on Patients’ Rights and the Patient Ombudsman. Facta Simonidis, 16(2), 187–201.

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